Monday, November 11, 2013

Food Quality Assurance and Food Safety

During my career I have had several job interviews that ask for a Quality Manager who has experience in HACCP and Food Safety.  This is puzzling since HACCP IS a food safety program and IS administered by the QA Department.  So - what is in the mind set of companies that separate the two functions?  Below are definitions for the two areas;

Food Quality Assurance:

The acceptable characteristics, of the product being sold, where the acceptability is determined by the customer/consumer.  This can include size, shape, texture, package size, flavor, colour, nutritionals, or even functionality.  Sanitary working conditions are a factor which deal with elimination of chemical, physical, microbiological contamination.  Other regulatory topics are also included – Hallal, Kosher, Allergen, traceability, organic.  This all is combined in the activities of the “Quality System” which include the day to day testing performed as quality control.

Food Safety: 
Safety specifically deals with the handling/preparation/storage/transportation of food to prevent foodborne illness.

It does sound as if Food Safety is HACCP.  However, HACCP does include physical and chemical contamination as well as the microbiological issues that can cause foodborne illness.  Unfortunately, at this time, a company can divide and name jobs/functions as they wish.  This does cause ambiguity and misconceptions. 
 To me the notions of QA and Safety can be summed up as Quality Assurance (Quality Systems) is the overall policy program which has both quality control and food safety running below it.  The QA Manager should have a food safety supervisor and a quality control supervisor under them.

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