Monday, December 30, 2013


For those of us in Canada - The HARPC program is a new twist that needs to be adressed.  HARPC is an American FDA program and is the acronym for Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls.  It is part of the FDA food modernization act and is meant for all US based non-regulated food companies.  Any US based company that is "regulated" with a HACCP plan is exempt from the HARPC program. 

All food companies, exporting food to the USA, need to have a HARPC plan registered with the US FDA.  Below are only a few websites that have good info on this program.  It seams to me that if you are certified with a GFSI program, you should be good for HARPC.  You will still need to send your HARPC plan to the FDA.

I do like the idea of HARPC being "risk" based.  Also, HARPC does look at all hazards - not just bio terrorism.  One fault, in my opinion is, this program does not seam to mention food FRAUD.  If fraud were to be addressed in HARPC - it would take the US program to a new, higher level.